The Mythic Americas we will explore.

Starting today, March 8th 2021, I will begin to post regularly so as to expand on the background first introduced in the Mythic Americas; Warlrods of Erehwon rulebook.

As some of you know, the Mythic Americas project is one that spans well over a decade of my life, and if you take into account my upbringing, then perhaps as long as half a century of my time on Sacred Mother Earth.

It brings me great joy to share the adventures, mythologies, and histories of the people of the Americas, in their actual histories, and in the interpretations of those histories within the universe of Mythic Americas.

My goal is to begin a coordinated effort of bringing knowledge of as many of the nations and peoples of the Americas to as many people as I can. From the Inuit in the North, to the Chachapoya in the south, American aboriginal peoples have inhabited our hemisphere far longer than the Europeans who arrived on our shores only recently (when considering the thousands of years native peoples have called our continents home).

I am of two worlds. Mixed blood. And as a millions of us cultural hybrids can attest, most of our mainstream education is focused on the European POV of the events that have shaped the Americas. Even the name America is a European construct.

So, Mythic Americas will open a small crack into the other half of this story. Into the Native American and aboriginal side of the story. The part of this wonderful tale, we Americans, should all begin to learn. In great part because that story includes enormous amounts of wisdom: Wisdom on how to live a more Balanced life within and as part of the nature around us, and also because there are many lessons of what happens when we destroy that Balance.

The heroes from the Native peoples of the Americas are every bit as wonderful, incredible and inspiring as any in the entire world. The events, histories, mythologies, peoples, and stories are there for all of us to embrace, enjoy, respect and learn from.

And if we can do this, while enjoying the company of friends, playing Mythic Americas; Warlrods of Erehwon, then even better!

Join me, and the Mythic Americas team while we explore these new worlds, and discover the amazing histories, and events right in our own back yards.

A proud Mythic American.


