Mother Turtle was wide awake now. She had been stirring from her slumber for a short while. Though

what felt like a short while for her was actually centuries to the Children who walked upon her shell.

Many thoughts crossed her eternal mind during the time of awakening. One overriding notion lingered

in every awakening time, “It has always been the same. No matter how the end comes to the Children

the final moments of the ending times seem to always follow the same pattern. A burst of anger and

energy capped by a long suffering.”


She had felt the End’s first rays of dark energy dawn upon her consciousness in the form of an

increasingly irritating itch on her shell’s surface. The itch had been followed by an unpleasant sense

of deepening and penetrating pain. As if someone had been slowly stabbing her with millions upon

millions of sharp needles. The Children upon her had discovered those precious things which lie under

her skin. The temptation of using the very material of her being for their own benefit is not something

that ever bothered her. It was the disappointment of knowing that once it started it would not slow

down. Her Children would grow dependent on what they found in her. The riches which made them feel

as if they could control life itself. That’s how it always started.


She was then not surprised when the eternal pattern repeated itself yet again. That thought reminded

her that these Children were new Children to her. Born from the elder Children which had passed before

them. For new Children to be born the old had to die. Not all of them. But most of them. It is as it must

be. This is The Way. The One had made it so, and she did not see it ever being any other way. Or wishing it

to be any other way now that it came to mind.


The Children’s death would open the door for a whole new era. An era in which the Children, all of the

Seed Children at least, man and beast alike, living creature and inanimate thing would once again strike

an almost era-long balance. These latest Children were now fast becoming part of the past. Most of them

did not know what was coming. A few knew because a few had managed to keep themselves in tune with

her; feeling her pains, worrying about her suffering, crying over her desecration. These Children would

form the core of those who would seed the next era.

This is The Way.





The Mythic Americas we will explore.