Tlalocan High Priest
The Tlalocan High Priest uses dark rites to raise the corpses of the fallen and send them against the enemies of the Aztecs. Their magic can bolster allies and harm foes. However, they are not themselves fighters and should be protected at all costs.

Tlalocan-Bound Dead
The Tlalocan-Bound Dead shuffle out of the darkened jungle undergrowth toward their enemies, their relentless rotten corpses a terror to the living. Often led by a Tlalocan High Priest they are either deployed as a shambling horde of undead or stationed as implacable guards at important sites. Faced with such horror, how can the living hope to defeat a foe who is already dead?
Jaguar Warriors
Jaguar Warriors are the elite Aztec fighters that dress in distinctive jaguar colours, hoping the animal’s strength and ferocity will flow through them in battle. To honour the gods, they aim to capture their enemies for later sacrifice, believing that killing them right then and there to be a shameful waste.
Eagle Warriors
Moving with lighting speed across the battlefield, like the birds of prey whose name the bear, the Eagle Warriors dive in and launch a withering volley of deadly shots at the enemy before racing away once again. Their ability to rapidly move and reposition for a quick strike before swooping off again allows them to harass the enemy, disrupting their attacks and leaving cold corpses in their wake.
Spider Sisters
The Spider Sisters scuttle and swarm along on distended and warped bodies. By lurking on the periphery of battle and using their sinister magic to aid their Aztec allies, enemies must divert valuable warriors to end the Spider Sisters' insidious threat.

Monsters & Beasts
Monsters & Beasts
The ‘serpent of precious feathers’ is deified by the Aztecs as a god of the wind. This powerful monstrosity fights alongside an Aztec warband, lending its considerable magical might and ferocious combat abilities to those who worship it.
Tlalocan-Bound Marauders
The Marauders are grotesque undead monsters raised by Tlalocan High Priests to be thunderous and terrifying shock troops. Wielding two great macuahuitls – devastatingly sharp obsidian-edged swords capable of slicing through metal armour – these relentless animated corpses tear through the living with frightening ease. You cannot kill what is already dead.
The Ayar Monstrosity is a bloated undead mass of carrion that hurls the dismembered corpses of their own fallen back at its enemies. A terrifying sight and a tenacious foe, the Ayar is formidable threat both at range and close in with an ability that makes it difficult for foolish enemies to flee their fate.