The Balance is a mandate from The One. The Balance between life and death is at the center of everything on

Mother Earth. This is the Way. For eons upon eons balance has been maintained not just on sacred Earth, but

throughout all of creation by two powerful forces-The Everliving and the Everchanging. These two sides of

one perfect coin were created by The One so as to maintain the Balance. This is the Way.


For an eternity the two opposing forces, as ordained by The One, have been pushing against each other on

uncountable battlefields. Here on Earth, The One has also created The Ruling Children. The Children have come

in many forms in the past. Today WE are the Children. As today’s Children, humanity’s only role is to help

maintain the Balance . . . or perhaps (no one really knows) to unbalance all. This is the Way.


That it is a time of imbalance is not denied by anyone. What is yet unknown is how the struggle will end. One

thing stands in the middle of the struggle . . . the Children. This is the Way.


The Children (as mortal creatures) are as unpredictable as the wind, and choose sides depending on the

whims of convenience or the dictates of mysterious prophecies. The Children do not yet know what the

fate of all will be. The end is uncertain. One thing the wise Soul Walkers amongst the Children do know . . .

resetting the Balance will mean extinction. This is the Way.


The conflict is raging across vast expanses of varied and imposing terrain. Mighty beasts of nature and

magic-driven monstrosities clash against creatures from the Children’s worst nightmares. Death, and

destruction spreads across all the lands, across almost unending deserts, in suffocating jungles, on cloud

covered mesas, and on vast grass-covered plains. This is the Way.


For centuries some of the Children have learned how to live in, balance with the creatures and spirits of the

land, while others have always looked to find more and more ways to tame and exploit nature and its wild

inhabitants. This is the Way.


For many, Earth is revered, protected and is known as the Sacred Turtle: Mother Turtle. For others she is but a

plaything that provides seemingly endless natural resources, which are used to build ever growing cities for

nations of Ruling Children with an insatiable appetite for power. This is the Way.


To all, this land is known as home. For those of us today who have been brought into a dream state by a Soul

Walker, so that we can witness the ages before ours, and so we can prepare for our own coming struggle,

these lands share one name: America.


This is the Way.


The Mythic Americas we will explore.