Command Tray: STL
As many of you know the design team has been engaged in a “Rise of the Caciques” campaign at Mythicos Headquarters. Mostly this involves a lot of rum and fooling around but, believe it or not, sometimes we get some actual games in.
Among the regular players, most of us have taken to utilizing 12 mm dice to track bravery markers on our units. By the end of the third round there are often a multitude of different dice on the battlefield and things can get a bit messy. It was during one such game session that we began to brainstorm a solution to this challenge that also had the benefit of introducing a cool new game tchotchke – and we know how much we gamers love our tchotchkes (and yes, I had to look the spelling of this word up)!
In celebration of the upcoming Indigenous Peoples’ Day here in the US, we, the Mythicos Design Team hereby gift to you, our wonderful gaming community, a new 3-D printable tool to add to your games! You can place your unit leader on a 32mm base onto this single-model tray and then use the provided spots to hold your 16mm activation dice and a 12 mm dice to track bravery markers. These are freely available for you to print and use so long as you don’t sell them commercially. They are also easy to print on an FDM printer and do not require any supports (if you print them in resin, you will need to rotate them off the build plate and add supports). Please let us know what you think. If there seems to be demand for it we can scale some of these for larger models such as Father Time’s beloved Musk Ox. We’ve also discussed modeling some of these with different faction logos.
For those of you who do not have access to a 3-D printer, we recommend making a new friend who has one and introducing them to the exciting world of Mythic Earth! As an alternative, we plan to print some and make them available on our web store.
As many of you know the design team has been engaged in a “Rise of the Caciques” campaign at Mythicos Headquarters. Mostly this involves a lot of rum and fooling around but, believe it or not, sometimes we get some actual games in.
Among the regular players, most of us have taken to utilizing 12 mm dice to track bravery markers on our units. By the end of the third round there are often a multitude of different dice on the battlefield and things can get a bit messy. It was during one such game session that we began to brainstorm a solution to this challenge that also had the benefit of introducing a cool new game tchotchke – and we know how much we gamers love our tchotchkes (and yes, I had to look the spelling of this word up)!
In celebration of the upcoming Indigenous Peoples’ Day here in the US, we, the Mythicos Design Team hereby gift to you, our wonderful gaming community, a new 3-D printable tool to add to your games! You can place your unit leader on a 32mm base onto this single-model tray and then use the provided spots to hold your 16mm activation dice and a 12 mm dice to track bravery markers. These are freely available for you to print and use so long as you don’t sell them commercially. They are also easy to print on an FDM printer and do not require any supports (if you print them in resin, you will need to rotate them off the build plate and add supports). Please let us know what you think. If there seems to be demand for it we can scale some of these for larger models such as Father Time’s beloved Musk Ox. We’ve also discussed modeling some of these with different faction logos.
For those of you who do not have access to a 3-D printer, we recommend making a new friend who has one and introducing them to the exciting world of Mythic Earth! As an alternative, we plan to print some and make them available on our web store.
As many of you know the design team has been engaged in a “Rise of the Caciques” campaign at Mythicos Headquarters. Mostly this involves a lot of rum and fooling around but, believe it or not, sometimes we get some actual games in.
Among the regular players, most of us have taken to utilizing 12 mm dice to track bravery markers on our units. By the end of the third round there are often a multitude of different dice on the battlefield and things can get a bit messy. It was during one such game session that we began to brainstorm a solution to this challenge that also had the benefit of introducing a cool new game tchotchke – and we know how much we gamers love our tchotchkes (and yes, I had to look the spelling of this word up)!
In celebration of the upcoming Indigenous Peoples’ Day here in the US, we, the Mythicos Design Team hereby gift to you, our wonderful gaming community, a new 3-D printable tool to add to your games! You can place your unit leader on a 32mm base onto this single-model tray and then use the provided spots to hold your 16mm activation dice and a 12 mm dice to track bravery markers. These are freely available for you to print and use so long as you don’t sell them commercially. They are also easy to print on an FDM printer and do not require any supports (if you print them in resin, you will need to rotate them off the build plate and add supports). Please let us know what you think. If there seems to be demand for it we can scale some of these for larger models such as Father Time’s beloved Musk Ox. We’ve also discussed modeling some of these with different faction logos.
For those of you who do not have access to a 3-D printer, we recommend making a new friend who has one and introducing them to the exciting world of Mythic Earth! As an alternative, we plan to print some and make them available on our web store.