Why Choose Warlords of Erehwon?

Why choose Warlords of Erehwon for Mythic Americas? Two words: Rick Priestley.  Rick is, in my opinion, the very best rules writer in the gaming industry. His Warlords of Erehwon rules are simply one of the richest and best constructed rules set ever created: Flexible enough so as to accommodate a wealth of gaming possibilities, yet possessed of a strong gaming infrastructure so as to ensure a balanced gaming experience. I have played Warlords of Erehwon from the first day it published (I’m a Dwarf and Knights player if you must know), and when thinking about the worlds, characters and entities that we seek to introduce you to in Mythic Americas, the core rules of Warlords of Erehwon have all of the mechanics needed to bring them to life on the tabletop.

Rick Priestley has created a classic with this rule set, Warlord Games’ John Stallard has had the vision to bring it to the world, and the design team at Mythicos Studios owes a great deal of gratitude to both Rick and John for seeing the possibilities of this partnership to bring an incredibly immersive and rich experience to the table top

So, get your D10s and Order dice, grab a few friends and get ready to adventure in the vibrant landscapes of a wonderful world...Mythic Americas.